Kimbilio Fellow Lyndsey Ellis Interviewed for Reckon Review
Lyndsey was interviewed by Michaella Thornton.
Michaella: When did you realize that you wanted to pursue writing? (I’d love to hear your origin story as a writer…)
Lyndsey: I’ve been into creative writing since forever, but I first realized it was something that I wanted to be a lifelong practice when I was a college student. Rewind to when I was around seven – during that time, my parents divorced, and it crushed me. Like many kids who find themselves in that predicament, I was somewhat aware of the emotional toll it took on both my Mom and Dad (even if I didn’t fully understand it, or wasn’t able to articulate it), in addition to coping with my own feelings about everything. Being an only child, I had ample time and space to explore my imagination, though, and although I didn’t pick up the gift of music that my Mom and her side of the family are blessed with, I naturally took to writing as self-expression. Later, in college (at Mizzou – go Tigers!), I decided to take the leap as an English major to help ground me in the fundamentals, and I committed to always keep writing, whether it’s part of my career or just me living and being a human. Thankfully, it’s mostly been a huge chunk of both.
Read the rest of the Interview here: An Interview with Lyndsey Ellis