Manuscript Submission Deadline is 12:00pm (noon) EST on June 1, 2023

No exceptions will be made

It’s time for you to submit the manuscript that you want to discuss in Taos as part of the retreat’s workshop component.  It’s never easy to choose fiction for a workshop discussion.  Although the decision is entirely up to you, we will make a few recommendations.

To begin, it can be tempting to impress your peers by submitting to workshop something you deem “done,” but this is nearly always a mistake.  This includes anything that is already in print or has been accepted for publication, as well as anything that has earned you a well-deserved honor.  Because the work is already on its way out into the public, there won’t be much you can do if you’re motivated to revise it—which I hope will be the consequence of any workshop.

Conversely, “raw” writing (i.e., unedited, unrevised, etc.) may leave the workshop focused on mechanical or technical issues rather than the substance of what the fiction is attempting to do.

We advise students to submit writing that contains examples of the core craft issues they are now facing.  To that end, as part of our workshop structure, you will have the opportunity to identify specific areas of your manuscript that you would like your peers to give extra attention.

Before submitting your manuscript, be sure it meets the following prerequisites.  To be included in your workshop reading packet, you must strictly adhere to the following rules:

  • WORD documents – do not send PDFs as they cannot be reformatted
  • Include your name on your manuscript
  • 20 pages – no more
  • 12 pt. standard font – Times New Roman
  • Double-spaced
  • Standard 1-inch margins

We will add headers and page numbers so there is no need to do so.

A brief overview may be included with novel excerpts; this will be included in the 20-page limit.  Remember that the maximum is 20 pages.  The last word that will be provided to your workshop group is the last word on page 20.  There is no need to add an additional story or excerpt to make up the difference if your work is, for example, 11 pages long.

Your work must adhere to these requirements in order to be accepted.  We have seen every conceivable manipulation by someone trying to add a few extra words, paragraphs, or pages.  Don’t do that.  Your work will be returned to you for reformatting.  If you do not resubmit your corrected and accurately formatted manuscript by the deadline, we will not be able to include it.  You should submit your work early in case there are any issues with your formatting.

Once again, manuscripts are due by 12:00pm (noon) EST on June 1, 2023.  No exceptions will be made.

Click on this Dropbox link to upload your manuscript.

You will receive a packet with manuscripts arranged by workshop groupings towards the middle of June.  We advise you to start preparing well in advance of the residence in order to give yourself the most time in Taos for writing, reading, and thinking.