I Tituba: Dianca London Potts on Historical Re-enacting

I was Tituba. Or at least, everyone thought I was. During my freshman year at a small liberal arts Christian college in Wenham, Massachusetts, my lifelong fascination with the Salem Witch Trials and an empty bank account prompted me to apply for a job as a historical reenactor. For nine dolllars an hour, I dressed […]

Dianca London in BEDFELLOWS

TELL THEM HOW YOU LOVE ME Our shelves are cluttered with photographs of us together, from our first, second, and  third New Years, pictures of us kissing in chronology. There are snapshots of us at the beach squinting, of us standing in the woods that frame the towns where we grew up. You bring me […]

Latoya Watkins in JOYLAND SOUTH

joyland south Waiting LATOYA WATKINS Vashti read the bear policy posted at the start of the trail twice before she decided to walk with us.  She made one command. “If we gone do this shit, y’all can’t pull out no snacks, no water, no nothing. Ain’t no bear bout to fuck with me. Y’all asses […]